Case Note: NZYQ

Case Note: NZYQ

Case Note: NZYQ & the Separation of Powers Return to Case Studies NZYQ v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 37 Click here to read the High Court of Australia’s judgement. The Separation of Powers results in a tension...
Love and Thoms

Love and Thoms

Case Note: Controversy regarding High Court decision interpreting Constitution Love v Commonwealth; Thoms v Commonwealth [2020] HCA 3        The High Court is tasked with interpreting the Constitution to determine the scope of the powers of the Commonwealth Parliament...
Referendum 2023 Indigenous Voice

Referendum 2023 Indigenous Voice

Constitution Basics and the Voice Referendum: How will the Indigenous Voice to Parliament fit into the Australian Constitution? If you are wondering what the 2023 Australian referendum is all about, why some people believe a change is needed to the Constitution and...
Referendum 2023 Indigenous Voice

The Voice Referendum and the Constitution

Constitution Basics and the Voice Referendum: How will the Indigenous Voice to Parliament fit into the Australian Constitution?  1. Before Changing the Australian Constitution Before we make a change to the Australian Constitution, Australians need to understand what...

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